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Unread post by unclevadim2 » Fri Nov 18, 2005 2:16 am

Has still forgotten peninsula Crimea
All northern Kazakhstan
All Finland,Estonia,Latvia,Litva,Ukraine,Georgia,Armenia............( :evil: )
And yes half of east and southern Europe!

Yes you look for example national flags of Slovenia and Slovakia
Also find in them Russian white blue red.
Russia always was mum for Slavs
(Can be except for Poles and Croatia).
And Romanians Moldova Bulgaria Ukraine Serbs Byelorussia Greece etc, to us coreligionists

Or I somewhere am not right? :D :twisted: :roll:

And you people have destroyed by bombing Serbia and are pleased.
Serbs for Russian brothers.
(To you brothers Albanians moslems?)

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Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:21 am

Hmm, "edit" is your friend...
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Unread post by unclevadim2 » Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:26 am

It is not good from your party{side}:
You write in a structure in what country you live whom you work also age.
And so unilateral communication{connection} turns out! 8) :lol:

Probably you are twice younger than me,
Then to me to speak without it is useful as well as to my son.
But if you are more senior 25.
You should know simple historical things.

However if you from the USA
Then I do not argue with you
It not a secret all евразия(euroasia) is surprised to the American formation{education}.
It not insulting words but is the truth

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Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:04 pm


1st sentance I dont understand... I wont bother guessing...

My structure is not that uncommen...

Are you trying to say that Im the only 1 that understands what Im saying?

I get what you were saying and know what you were saying, it was usless information to me and I didnt know where you were trying to get with saying it...

So I just replyed to tell you that you should have just edited your 1st of 3 posts instead of replying each time, becuz no1 had responded yet...

How do we know that the copys of CoD we played are the same?

Lived for more then 70 years huh? So has Cancer... And Cavemen...

Yeh, if Russian leadership hadent been so stubborn in holding onto Stalingrad the war would have most likly taken anuther turn...

But, after Germany had surrenderd I believe the "real" allies should have rearmed the German military and gone after Russia, then occupied China...

Then have used Japanese forces in China, could have been a condition of there surrender...

In seriousness, the actual Russians that really "won" the war were murdered by Stalin becuz they were a threat to his office...

Unless thats a lie aswell...

Russia even started WW1, was not the Germans fault 100%...

They should have been forced to pay aswell...

Post WW2 Russia has caused so much trouble for the US and its allies...

Even tho the America public was lied to about the threat level of Russia, it helped us advance technologically in an area that usually doesnt advance unless there is a threat of war...

Its not Russian people I dont like, its the pre Mikhail Gorbachev government that I dispise...

My proctologist is Russian and Jewish and is my favorite doctor...

Ahh, I see you edited your last post...

The educational system here disgusts me, yes...

I droped out in the 7th grade...
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Unread post by unclevadim2 » Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:20 pm

You have perfectly understood me!
You not the boy!
But my enemy!
You even in army were?
You an Englishman USA oder?

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Unread post by unclevadim2 » Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:28 pm

I have understood you the young boy.
Do not swear at adults.
Even even with Russian. :twisted:

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Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:54 pm

LoL, why cant you edit your posts consistantly?

You an Englishman USA oder? - Huh?

Im not the boy, but your enemy, but I am the boy and shouldnt swear at adaults? - Huh?

You are turning this into a personal argument that has nuthing to do with CoD and you are going to get me banned... :lol: :P :twisted:

Cuz we all know, your "side" would never be banned... :roll: :wink: :evil:
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Unread post by unclevadim2 » Fri Nov 18, 2005 2:08 pm

I do not want to offend you.
I really write through the translator
I do not want you to offend
If you certainly not the fascist!

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Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:23 pm

I found this...

"I have understood you the young boy.
Do not swear at adults.
Even even with Russian."

To be offensive, I dont even know what you mean...
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Unread post by unclevadim2 » Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:57 pm

But you really have not written where live.
You that hide from the law?(h&dangerous) :)

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Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Fri Nov 18, 2005 11:27 pm

Actually, yes...
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Call of Duty 2

Unread post by baff » Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:36 am

And you people have destroyed by bombing Serbia and are pleased.
Serbs for Russian brothers.
(To you brothers Albanians moslems?)[/quote]

We were all in that together. Englishmen, Russsian's, Americans, all.
We were less than pleased about bombing Serbians. We prefer to bomb people who can't fight back. In fact, we prefer not to bomb at all.

We understand the filiate relationship between Russia and Serbia only too well. That is why we were extremely relieved that Russia participated in the operation. (And in quite some style). I believe that without the presence of forces widely considered by Serbians to be sympathetic to their needs, the bloodshed could have been far greater.

For a brief snapshot in time it looked like the beginning of a new world order. Or the rekindling of an older one.

There is always some friction and oneupmanship in multilateral forces. It is to be expected. The Russian capture of Kosovo airport was a greatly admired here as demonstration of Soviet will, military capability and regional authority, but most importantly of all, we were just glad you got involved.

The concept that any alliance of nations on the planet having any practical possiblity of "going after" Russia was even more ludicrous 50 years ago than it is today.

Using Japanese forces in China seems a little far fetched. Presumably you thought that the U.S. single handly defeated the Japanese, and that the Chinese were not in that fight (not to mention the Indians).
It is of historical note that the "real" allies (at the peak of their military might) were (and still are) unable to defeat the tiny nation of Korea. Laughable that they had the necessary force to deal with it's giant sized neighbour China.

I don't think the American public was particularly lied to about the "threat level" of Russia in the post war period. It wasn't the Anglo's who took Berlin. America had made a lot of gains in Europe, the Middle East and the Far East, all of these were at direct risk from continued Soviet Advancement. Only the atom bomb stood in their way.

I think those lies begun again quite recently. Similarly with the Cuban Missile Crisis, we take comfort in the great reduction of Russian/Soviet forces at the end of the Cold War, but fail to recognise that this has been a universal demobilisation on all sides. The Russians are still the worlds foremost military power and capable of outmatching the combined armed forces of NATO substantially. Mutually assured nuclear destruction is something of an equaliser and is the only power on the planet currently capable of checking the Bear.

Wrong choice of enemy Vitamin old boy. If you are going to pick a fight, pick a fight you can win. If you are unable to respect anothers way of life, it is always wise to respect the size of his gun.

Apologies for any lack of knowledge unclevadium2 but Soviet history is barely covered in our schools, short of talking to actual people who lived through the times, cinema is the only source of knowledge we commonly have. These are not deliberate lies, but simply stories told as a form of entertainment and tailored to be amusing to the listener.

COD maybe a product of propaganda, but it is not a tool of propaganda.There may be misunderstandings, or a lack of education, but no lies. Lie is too strong a word, it implies a deliberate willful alteration of the truth. There is no malice towards the Russian people written into this game, rather the beginnings of a respect and glorification.

I particularly like the multinational element of this game. Being able to play as Russians, English and Americans is an element I enjoy. Not being able to play as a German is something I missed. I hope they add more nationalites to any expansion or future titles, There are many more stories about that war that could be told.

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Unread post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:10 am

Uhg, we had finished it! Now you have to start it up again!

Ludicrous? I dont see how you come to that...
The time to have struk was then...

LoL, Im ignoant! Lets paste it on my head!
FarFetched my culo...
The Chinese fighting were not united and wanted to kill each other after the war...
They had little forces and relied on stalling tactics to slow the Japanese...
The Indians I thought were fighting for the British and not the Chinese, I guess Im really ignorant...

Korea? Give me a break, we ripped up "Kim Il-sung"...
It wasnt untill China, rearmed with uber Ruskie tanks and lies got into the freezing war that we had trouble...
And we again, were herbed by American politicians...

This is why I say the time to have attacked Russia was then before they got confertable in China, North Korea and the Eastern Block contries they had just taken back...

Yes, WE WERE lied to about the threat level of Russian nuclear might and capability...
I think its been admited by the administration junkies that had power then...

Old boy? Picking a fight? Respecting others way of life? Where are you getting all of this?

And about CoD, you will never be able to fight as Germans...
The franchize is Anti-German...
I hate that the Russians speak english tho I would have prefered subtitles...
Theres a mod for OFP where the Russians speak Russian and I love it...
There are mods that add German campaigns but ya know...

PS: I want a CoD2 Expansion with basedestroy! Quickly!
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Unread post by unclevadim2 » Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:48 pm

Ах ты, маленькая сволочь!
Русские говорят по-английски?Мать твою - паскуда!Да я тебя раком поставлю гнида блядская! Изувечу и закопаю сучий выродыш!

You want such Russian?
Do not translate--
It is not translated.
Last edited by unclevadim2 on Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread post by Oldih » Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:05 pm

I think this topic is locked up soon, I think this political\historical- relation stuff has gone bit too far.
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