weird explosives

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weird explosives

Post by paul » Sat Apr 16, 2005 9:57 pm

if it comes to explosives, u get two types of granades, land mines, antitank mines and something called expoliseves thats looks like little radio.
what the hell to do with it? how does it work?

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weird explosives

Post by crusti » Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:05 pm

i think youre talking about a 'sticky', a sticky explosive

you 'stick' it on a vehicle and run like the wind

?NR? crusti
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weird explosives

Post by AK » Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:16 am

Explosives & Demolition Charges, in Brief:

- Several varieties of Grenade. Fragmentation, timed, and impact.
- Demolition Charges (Dynamite), Gammon-Bombs/Sticky-Charge (Explosives). The latter works on any vehicle.
- Antipersonnel & Anti-Tank landmines. Very effective, especially in MP. The weight of the anti-tank landmine almost prohibits it being carried.
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weird explosives

Post by fragfeast » Sun May 29, 2005 5:10 pm

a gammon bomb is not in H&D2. The gammon bomb was used by british paratroops to throw INTO tanks, through the hatch. a sticky bomb is in H&D2. you stick it ON tanks.

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weird explosives

Post by olemiss » Sun May 29, 2005 8:51 pm

umm, not really, they would have never destroyed tanks like that, they simply threw them on the thing.

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weird explosives

Post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Mon May 30, 2005 1:14 am

Iv discussed this a few times I believe on the totalitarian forums, indeed there is no Gammon bomb in the game. Would be nice to have 1 tho, but only with full versitility support. Id love to set sum on a road and detonate them from long range.

About throwing them "into" tanks, thats a quite capable action. Tho they were designed to be thrown at the tracks to disable the tank. I guess you could throw them at the barrel and cause sum damage.

The "sticky bomb" in game I have no sure answer to what it is I belive its a bad recreation of a Hawkins mine. Wich again was used to disable the tracks, but 1 wasnt enough to damage the tracks on a P5 or P6 and so on.

I guess ingame you have to imagine that you are using a new technology invented by you. A super shape charge that gets placed directly near the ammo store and penetrates the armour and detonates the ammunition killing every1 in the tank and disabling the inside beyond repair.

If any1 could find out anything about the exact explosive being used ingame Id love that.
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weird explosives

Post by Drozdov » Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:35 pm

on the totalitarian forums
Translation: forums where they don't like you sprouting Nazi rubbish and having endless ego battles about WWII trivia.
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weird explosives

Post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:45 am

Oh, wow. I dont think I like you much anymore.

I am not a nazi, nor do I spread nazi idealisim.

Maybe you are just to young minded to interperet my words correctly.

I find it offensive to be called a nazi, and if I was calling my ideals rubbish would be offensive too.

I think you should be banned, doesnt that count as a religious slur?

WorldWar2 Trivia? Thats actually offensive aswell, I dont concider it trivia.

I was correcting the mistakes of Lardass in interpreting my posts.

I wanted people to be educated in truth, and Lardass kept distorting that.

I thought we were having a conversation, not an ego battle.

If you want, have the DBV guys "unpersecute" me and create me my own little forum called "Offend the -V-".

Id be glad to reply to all your slurs and inconsistancys about me and tell you all how wrong you are.

Now please stop offending me on these greatly put togather forums.

The greys and browns in my layout are so soothing here.
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weird explosives

Post by Drozdov » Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:49 pm

I have responded privately, and please keep all responses in private, this has nothing to do with Jason's forum and shouldn't really have been brought here.

All the same, just so you lot know, the 'nazi' thing all stems from some of the comments Vitamin made about the holocaust on the DBV forums.
I do not believe what Hitler did to be a crime.
Its natural selection, population control, anything you could think of. ... 41&stop=50

Make of that what you will.

Now let's get back on topic.
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weird explosives

Post by Jason » Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:46 am

Yes play nice here, privately do what you like.
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Playing Nice works both ways

Post by LondonSAS » Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:30 am

Let's have a little balace here. This is an H&D forum, and should stay on topic, but the game is about the second world war after all, and occasionally people may mention the whys and wherefores, rights and wrongs. 80 million Germans and their Italian, Rumanian, Finnish, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Croation allies believed in their cause as ardently as our grandfathers believed in ours. Don't express shock that some people may still think what they fought for righteous. Who are we to judge?
Drozdov is pushing a leftie agenda and digs out anyone that aint "right on", so next time you start banning people and editing messages maybe don't limit this to those of us on the right of the political spectrum.
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Post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:42 am

Great Damn Post, London.

Tho I think you should have started your post with "Totalitarians" instead of "Jason", becuz Jason is cool. :P

When I said I dont believe it to be a "crime", I was refering to what the number of other countrys did that I find 1 in the same.

Like my country firebombing all those cities in Japan burning alive all those civilians.

They were never prosecuted as war criminals, becuz we won.

Not that I think firebombing Japan was a crime, its just what happens.

I dont believe any1 "deserves" to die. :evil:
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weird explosives

Post by LondonSAS » Mon Jun 06, 2005 9:26 pm

V save it aint gotta explain or justify yourself cos some Jock lefty digs you out. There was shit done on all sides..Einsatzgruppen, can't forgive that geezer, but nor can you condone Americans and Canadians in Normandy shooting surrendering Waffen SS on site..most of em 17 year old boys, or firebombing Dresden and Hamburg, or leaving tens of thousands of German soldiers to die of exposure after the war had ended, or getting "confessions" from "war criminals" by threatening to remove their families' ration books...nice!!
Anyway, on topic, how long you been playing H&D? I am a total f**king addict. I discover something new every time I play it. Just amazes me....nice to see the Czechs have retained some intelligence and creativity after Drozdov's friends took their country back to the stone age for 50 years. Think there'll be an H&D3?

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weird explosives

Post by -ViTaMiHnM203- » Mon Jun 06, 2005 11:26 pm

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Re: Playing Nice works both ways

Post by Jason » Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:17 am

Let's have a little balace here. This is an H&D forum, and should stay on topic, but the game is about the second world war after all, and occasionally people may mention the whys and wherefores, rights and wrongs. 80 million Germans and their Italian, Rumanian, Finnish, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Croation allies believed in their cause as ardently as our grandfathers believed in ours. Don't express shock that some people may still think what they fought for righteous. Who are we to judge?
Drozdov is pushing a leftie agenda and digs out anyone that aint "right on", so next time you start banning people and editing messages maybe don't limit this to those of us on the right of the political spectrum.
"It ain't about dying for your country, its about making your enemy die for his" :)

This is to everyone!

Again this is my forum :wink:, I believe in freedom on speech to a degree. This is a gaming site. World war 2 is the theme of the game but its used as entertainment which is a bit of an issue in itself but the real issues of world war 2 are too serious for in-depth conversation here. I warn you to have restraint with your feelings on the matter, I will not lock another topic I will only be banning so please watch what you say. I don't wish to read about 'real' death on a suppose FUN forum.
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