Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

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rambo 999
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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by rambo 999 » Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:21 am

this is great - brings back memories! one thing though i can definately remember sniper being a weapon option for H&D mini game...

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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by Eclipse » Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:07 pm

This is great news! any updates would be welcomed :D
Normally these kind of fan based remakes die before there even born.
Fingers crossed for this one. gl

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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by Jason » Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:35 am

Hey guys,

Just posting some information that was sent to me, if those that remember the game could go through it and confirm or correct some of these points that would be great. I'm going through all the information that has been sent to me now, will take me a week or 2 over the holidays to sort it out. I'll post here when it's compiled.

What would be handy as well are the differences between the H&D2 mini game and the Vietcong Jungle War mini game. There is a whole gameplay/strategy guide on Jungle War here.
Sent to me via email from Bartek (aka Azazel)

OK, so basic things: There were always 2 teams - Nazis and Allies, with different objectives - primary and secondary ones. You got different value of objective points for completing them. For example, there was a map with a bridge, where Nazis had the primary objective of defending the bridge and secondary of killing all allies. Maybe some additional secondary objectives, but I'm not sure. Allies had to obviously destroy the bridge and kill all Nazis (and retreat to the Landing Zone?). There was a map where Nazis were defending a radio station and another one with many tents or some other buildings. Are you interested in more detailed map descriptions or are you curious mostly about the gameplay?

I have to clarify about different weapons sets. As far as I remember everyone had a knife for close combat, everyone had a machine gun with unlimited ammunition + "special weapon" with limited number of uses. For example: machine gun + (5? or maybe more?) health kits (medic), mg + (4?) grenades, mg + land-mines, mg + (3) TNT loads with timers. One of the two exceptions was heavy machine gun, which didn't come with any additional special weapon except knife. It had unlimited ammunition, like normal machine gun, but greater fire-power. The other one was sniper rifle. I don't remember exactly how it worked, as it was my least favourite weapon. I'm almost sure there were 5 bullets, each capable of killing enemy with full health if aimed perfectly (head-shot), just wound him, or miss him entirely(?). To the best of my knowledge, after using the rifle for 5 times, sniper had only his knife to fight with.

Land-mines were the least common choice, mainly for defence. Sniper and TNT you had to be skilled with to use efficiently, but they were quite common. TNT was necessary to complete some objectives, like blowing up the bridge or radio station. The easiest choice was medic or grenades. First one allowed to heal oneself and his team-mates, the other one was easy-to-use ranged weapon with, I believe, some strong "splash damage".

Well, the gameplay was simple and already described by other people. You were moving your avatar by dragging and dropping it with a mouse, with (5 seconds?) delays between the moves. Normally, you had a 120 degrees (1/3 of a circle) view, that you could rotate every 3 seconds with left/right arrow keys. As shown on this screen: http://giantflyingsaucer.com/blog/wp-co ... gerous.gif the view range was just a little shorter than standard weapon (machine gun, heavy machinegun, grenades(?)) range (red circle). You could switch your view to twice (?) it's normal range and half it's normal width with up arrow key. Every time you moved, you ended up facing the direction in which you moved. Moving also reset your view bar timer - you couldn't change your view immediately after moving, but you could move immediately after changing your view. I'm not sure, but I think you couldn't move while in long range view mode. You had to switch back to normal view with down arrow key first. I think you could only move within your sight, and only within like 2/3 of standard weapon range.It was good to have someone in long range view mode looking out for the incoming hostiles, so the nearby team-mates could start shooting before the hostiles (moving in normal view mode) could see them. To counter this, the other team was moving one by one, by half the maximum length. When the first guy got under the fire, the rest of the team could move by a maximum length and have the enemy within their own shooting range.

Bushes were good for cover - their image was "always on the top", so it was hard to spot someone hiding in them + they granted some defence bonus.

When approaching building, one could only see it's roof and entrances, while those in the building could normally see (and shoot) outside. While entering the building one was vulnerable to knifing.
Can't wait to get into the code for this :mrgreen: Any Flash Graphics Artists out there PM  or email me (webmaster @ this url)!
Last edited by Jason on Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by odin » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:06 am

It's only from Jungle Wars, but it might help figuring out gameplay weapons graphics etc.


rambo 999
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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by rambo 999 » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:18 pm

For the sniper: a stationary dot would appear at the centre of the person. Another dot would "randomly" (i think there was a route and speed for different levelled players) move around the target, and depending on how close the shooter gets the 2 dots to allign by clicking the mouse would determine the level of damage. If you get it smack on the dot it kills the player in one. I think Bartek is right about 5 shot ammo for it.

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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by Jason » Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:03 pm

Concerning the moving of your player, could you move any where on the map by clicking your player then the spot on the map. Just like a RTS game? or were you movements restricted in the amount of distance you could move? I know you could only move once then had to wait for the timer to let you move again.
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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by rambo 999 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:31 pm

It was a drag and drop action. You could move in any direction from your current location, but only limited to around a cm (you could try to drag further and it would allow the optimum distance). Your sight would automatically look in the direcion you moved as default, and then had the option to look around as the "sight bar" was relatively quick to restore.

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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by Jason » Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:09 pm

Okay so you could move - which is an Action, then use the "Binocs" or "Scope" (if you're a sniper)  - which is a View, straight away to check out the surrounding areas? Did the extended narrow view (caused by pressing the arrow key) count towards the View timer or was it just standard?
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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by rambo 999 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:25 pm

Yes to your first question. Regarding the narrow viewer I cannot remember I'm afraid, however I would have presumed that it would count towards the view timer given it gives a considerable advantage.

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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by Jason » Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:28 pm

What about turning around on the spot? did that count towards Action or View timers?
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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by rambo 999 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:35 pm

Depends whether you used the arrow keys to look, or drag/drop to face the other way

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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by rambo 999 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:48 pm

Though if looking with arrow keys you wouldn't be able to turn 180 degrees in one go...

The view timer is controlled by the arrow keys.
Action timer was in play when clicking the mouse

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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by Jalamari » Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:51 am

This is really cool, Im very excited if we're able to get this game up and going again. This mini game was yeeeaaaars and yeaaaaars ago but I still think about it often and search google to reminisce :)

Its been about a month now, how are things going with this? If you still haven't found a flash guy, I know someone who could possibly help :) Just holler.  Im an artist myself and use flash casually to draw in, but guys in helmets and such I dont think I could make that very well. I mostly do animals.

Anyway, are we going for as close to the original as possible? Like, overhead helmet views only, or are you guys wanting to jazz it up a bit? Me? Id like it as close as possible to the original :) If its simple like the original maaaaaybe I could draw that up, I dunno, I need some updates.
Last edited by Jalamari on Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by Jason » Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:51 am

Progress has been a little slow due to work. I've had to work a lot of weekends :sad: but things are going back to normal thankfully. The last things I was working on was fog of war for the game in flash and a PHP socket server for the multi-player online aspects.

Graphics is the main thing I will definitely need help with, especially the terrain textures. Is the flash guy you know good with graphics or more the programming side? I'm sure you'd be much better at creating the soldiers than I would be :lol: I did give it a go, wasn't turning out well so I gave up.

The idea is to replicate the original yes. Refining the gameplay will take a lot of time and community beta testing because I didn't play it much myself. And it was a long time ago for all of us.

My free-time schedule ahead is a bit packed for April. I have to re-do my business website this weekend. Then the following couple of weekends will be spent working on a certain gaming website grin01 as well as finishing off another Flash/Flex project I have on the go which is business-related. After all that then I can start on the mini-game again. I really want to get all those others things out of the way first though. It's definitely where my main H&D focus will be this year. I am sure we can get it going over the next 3-6 months thup01
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Re: Hidden and Dangerous MINIGAME

Unread post by technoguyrob » Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:16 am

Oh this is just fantastic! This was one of my favorite games back in the day. Please email me when it comes out, I will bring a lot of people into it. :)

I'm also a programmer but don't have too much experience with Flash, but let me know if help is needed.

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