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H&D inventory code queries

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:53 am
by Capt. Stirling
Two questions:

1. Is there a list of these inventory codes? And by inventory I mean what are the codes for civie clothing or a springfield, etc.

2. Are the codes regarding inventory for cut scenes displayed the same way in both Hexer and DC editor? Meaning will an item (for example) like a US04 (US uniform) code look the same in both editors.

Re: H&D inventory code queries

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:20 am
by betteryouthanme
1. Would suggest to visit =CZ= website here. Go to Editing Zone -> Edit Tools Download. In that zipped file you find all you need.

2. Why don't you have a look? But yes they are the same. With a Hexer you see hexadecimal code (5553 3034) and as well translated into text (US04). DC-ED Editor shows you the text form only.

Re: H&D inventory code queries

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:43 am
by Capt. Stirling
Thanks for that. Concise and what I needed.